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This term we will be learning about World War 2, specifically 'The Blitz' and how this affected children .

We will then concentrate on the lives of children in both England Germany. We will look at how children in Germany were affected and especially those of Jewish families during the Holocaust.

Take a look at what we've been getting up to this term.......

WC - Making pasta Salads 

WC- 8/7/24 - Food tasting - European Day of Languages 

WC- 1/7/24 - A busy week for Yr6 

WC - 24/6/24 - 'Who dun'it?'


WC - 17/6/24 - Art - sculptures

WC - 3/6/24 - English work linked to D-Day

WC - 20/5/24 - Sharing our Steady Hand games with Year 1

WC - 13/5/24 - End of SATs Week