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Kesgrave High School Term Dates 2019-2020 - Kesgrave News
Take a look at what we have been up to....
WC - 18/3/24 - Writing animal descriptions for our 'Land of Makebelieve' 
WC - 11/3/24 - British Science week - animal adaptation 'fun and games'
WC - 4/3/24 - Science - electrical circuits 
WC - 19/2/24 - Design and Technology research 
WC - 8/1/24 - observational drawing 
Over the course of this term, we will cover:
Take a look at what we've been getting up to this term.......


We are focusing on stories in a historical setting (the Victorian era) such as Oliver and writing our own narrative.

We will also be looking at Charles Darwin's voyages and using his experiences to write diary entries and non-chronological reports.


We will be looking at co-ordinates before moving on to working with decimals and percentages, and learning how to confidently convert between fractions, decimals and percentages.


For the first part of this term we will be looking at evolution, inheritance and adaptation. We will be exploring Charles Darwin's discoveries and how living things have evolved over time and how they have developed the characteristics that they have today.

For the second part of this term, we will be looking at electricity, building on the electrical knowledge that we have gained in previous year groups. 


We will be looking at developing our computing and word processing skills, using the Microsoft Office programs Word and Excel.


We are focusing on the Victorian era and the Industrial Revolution, looking at innovations and inventions that changed the world.


We are looking at the features of the globe, such as human and physical geographical features, lines of latitude and longitude and deserts and canals of the world.


We will be focusing on pencil sketches and shading techniques, basing our work upon Charles Darwin's observational sketches.


Linking to our electricity work in Science, we will be incorporating circuits into a product of our own design.


Our R.E. focus for this term is community, religious beliefs as part of the community and tolerance of others.


The first part of this term will be spent looking at dreams and goals. In the second half of the term, we will be spent exploring our own health and well-being.