Take a look at what we have been up to....
Week beginning 13th January 2025: Along with beginning to learn about unit and non-unit fractions, the first pillar of Islam, Dance by Chance and Anglo-Saxon kings, we have written our first draft of our narrative based on the popular book How To Train Your Dragon! The rich vocabulary and complex sentences I have read this week have been phenomenal! We will edit and publish these next week.
Week beginning 6th January 2025: We have (finally) begun creating our very own motorised vehicles. They are currently in development, however we have used junior hacksaws to cut square section wood accurately, measured the wood and marked it to help us know where the cuts are to be, understood how to secure the wood, applied jinks to the frame for added security and learnt about and included dowels to act as axels for the wheels! We will update you when the products are finally finished.