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Reading Intent

Reading is the gateway skill to academic success!

As of Summer 22, Annesley School will be launching Rocket Phonics to support the teaching of reading in school. This will begin in Foundation 2 and Year 1 and will be launched in Year 2 and F1 early 2023. Teachers have all been trained to implement this new systematic, synthetic phonics programme (SSP) and will support children using this approach further up school when required. Rocket Phonics is part of Rising Stars, which is the reading Scheme we use throughout school.

Reading Squads have been developed to support our new approach to reading, with an emphasis on “keep up not catch up”. The Reading squads are comprised of 3 additional, trained staff who will work in both Foundation 2 and Year 1 alongside existing staff on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays to offer intense, directed reading support to all groups within each class simultaneously. Phonics will then be led by the teacher in each year group in addition to this reading support.

In the second half of these 3 afternoons, the Reading Squads will support individuals or groups of children chosen by their teachers, who would benefit from extra reading support, that is targeted specifically to match their needs in reading. Class teachers have liaised with the Reading Squad staff members on the needs of the selected children. This additional support is for individuals and groups of children from Foundation to Year 6.

Annesley School sees reading success as vital to later academic success. We endeavour to offer high quality provision that starts early and continues to meet the needs of all children as they travel though school. Rigorous assessment, combined with targeted provision offered in a comprehensive approach, reflects our belief that being able to read and enjoy reading is our greatest gift to the children at this school.


Stacey Melhuish

Reading Lead and Deputy Head