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Good Work

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7/1/25 - Bella - You can sometimes find Maths a little bit difficult, but I have been incredibly impressed with your attitude towards Maths recently. You are showing some great perseverance by pushing yourself to make sure you have a good understanding of the concepts that we have been covering. Keep going with this!

31/1/25 - Keevie - Wow! You are on fire at the monte Keevie. You have been paying attention, applying your learning and working incredibly hard in all subject across the board and you can see that hard work paying off with some incredibly results in the assessments that we have done this week. Keep it up.

24/1/25 - Darwin - You have really been 'switched on' with your learning over the past few weeks. You are contributing more lessons, showing a greater level of focus in your work and pushing yourself further to achieve. Keep it up!

17/1/25 - Emily - It is clear that you have been really pushing yourself in Maths: putting extra work in at home and making an extra effort in Maths sessions. It is definitely paying off though as you achieved your highest ever score on and end-of-unit assessment. You should be really proud of yourself. Keep going with this!

10/1/25 - Aidan - You have returned from the Christmas break with an excellent attitude towards your work. You are hard-working, listening carefully and you are focused. As a result, you have gained an excellent understanding of ratio in Maths. Keep up  the brilliant work! 

13/12/24 - Herold - You have impressed enormously over the last few weeks Herold. You are more focussed on your learning, you are pushing yourself and producing some wonderful pieces of work. Your Coming Home inspired poem was excellent and you really worked hard to imitate the style and tone of the original. Well done!

29/11/24 - Tate - You were exceptional on the residential and threw yourself into each and every activity with enthusiasm. Not only this, but you have shown some great resilience in your Maths work this week, which has led to you being able to confidently multiply and divide fractions! Keep up the brilliant attitude!

15/11/24 - Jessica - Wow! You are working exceptionally hard and your hand has been up constantly! The number of lightbulb moments that you have had over the past two weeks, especially in Maths, has been brilliant to see. Your understanding in Maths is improving and you are working really hard on applying what you have learnt to your work. Keep it up!

8/11/24 - Dylan - We have tackled equivalent fractions and fraction on a number line this week and you have shown yourself to be an absolute expert at this. You have listened carefully, applied your learning and begun to make connections to the point where you are able to easily visualise the worth of each fraction. Spot on Dylan!

4/10/24 - Caitlin - You have had a phenomenal attitude towards your learning since the start of this year. You are listening carefully, focusing on your learning and working hard to ensure that your work is the best that it can be. You have a real desire to succeed and are a true role model for your classmates in terms of your work ethic. Keep it up!

27/9/24 - Sebastian - You have returned to school after being ill with a wonderful attitude towards your learning. You have worked hard to catch up on the learning that you have missed and you are showing a wonderful determination to succeed. Well done!

20/9/24 - Jude - Wow! You produced an exceptional diary entry this week. Not only was it a high quality piece of writing that included all of the skills that we had been working on, but you produced a piece of work of an appropriate length too!

13/9/24 - Joshua - You have shown a much more positive attitude towards the work that you have completed this week and you have worked really well alongside various adults too. Keep it up!

6/9/24 - Olivia - You have picked up exactly where you left off last year with an excellent work ethic. You listen carefully, work hard and tackle problems logically. You have also applied the advice that you have been given to help ensure your work is the best that it can be.