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Good Work

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19/7/24 -  - You have remained focus all this week and created some great lines for our leavers' poem

12/7/24 - Ruben - You knew you would find writing a police report tricky but you made a conscious effort to strip out all the flowery adjectives and just give the factual details 

1/7/24 - Alfie C - You have only been back for 2 days after your transition days but I can see the maturity in you that Year 7s have at secondary school. 

28/6/24 - Mac - When we were at Ashfield Safety Zone, three of the adult leaders commented on how  fabulous you were at answering questions with maturity. 

7/6/24 - Amelia - What a star you are, whatever you are doing, you put in your all.  Remember keep giving your best, it will be noticed!

17/5/24 - ALL of  YEAR 6- You have all impressed me this week and push yourself to do your BEST!

22/3/24 - Ellie - You did a fantastic job with your writing of the animal description - kept a great formal tone throughout. 

15/3/24 - Leanna - You were proud and so was I to see your improvement in your maths understanding translate across on your maths reasoning paper. 

8/3/24 - Dylan - You are getting your hand up more in class and you are so much more focused. 

23/2/24 - Chase - You have shown lots of focus this week and it is really paying off, even with those tricky spellings. 

12/1/24 - Edith - You have been so switched on and focused this week, I just had to give it you again.  I am liking this braver Edith in maths!

8/12/23 - Edith - You have really kept focused and really improving in all areas!!!! 

24/11/23 - Mollie and Ellie - You have put huge amounts of thought into your biography writing - you really impressed me. 

17/11/23 - Cobi - Lots of adults have notice how focused you are on your learning and are a brilliant role model. 

10/11/23 - Riley- You have really pushed yourself this week both in your maths and english work.  

13/10/23 - Leanna - You have shown greater responsibility for your learning by using the resources around the room and spotting patterns independently. 

7/10/23 - Sam - You have really understood that the choice of words is so important when writing!

29/9/23 - Jack- I was very impressed with your diary entry, it was exactly what I asked for. 

22/9/23 - Cobi - You are really pushing yourself and your work is exceptional. 

15/9/23 Junior - You have really impressed me with your inference skills this week!

8/9/23 - Jasmine, you have made a brilliant start to Year 6!