Good Work
Good Worker of the Week
Well done goes to:
Friday 6th September 2024: Mollie. I have been impressed by your attitude to work this week. You do not always find learning natural, but with determination you have succeeded in so many things. Your understanding of place value has improved, as has your solar system knowledge. Keep it up!
Friday 13th September 2024: Isobel. I have been very impressed with your research of the planets this week, as well as your understanding of why migration happens, especially in the USA. I have been particularly encouraged by your place value and maths work this week. Well done!
Friday 20th September 2024: Lilijana. You have excelled in your yoga session this week, by showing grace, poise and balance. You have also helped others strive to achieve more than they thought they could. Super effort!
Friday 27th September 2024: Florence. You have impressed so far this half-term in a range of subjects. You have written a great sci-fi story, have progressed well in maths and worked hard in your science lessons. I have been particularly impressed, however, how you linked your knowledge of the Earth to the geography lesson about Florida being a good place to launch rockets from. Keep it up!
Friday 4th October 2024: Poppy. You have been a superstar this week! Not only have you produced your own drawings of the Solar System (just for fun), you have also written a ton of facts about them! Not only that, you have also researched facts about the USA and Florida linking to our geography topic! What a star. Keep it up!
Friday 11th October 2024: Darcie. Well done this week, you little superstar! I have been impressed with your English this week, writing some tricky sentences using linking and conjunctive adverbs independently; this is not an easy task. In maths, you have had some challenging calculations and you have found the resilience to tackle them head on. Well done!
Friday 8th November 2024: Riley. Your understanding so far of sentence structure has been 50/50, but this week you have listened well, tried your hardest to follow the rules of clauses and are adding more varied vocabulary as well. Keep it up!
Friday 15th November 2024: Florence. 2nd time on the roster! You are like a sponge at the moment - whether its in PE, RE or anything else that ends in E, you are trying your best! I have been impressed with your subordination and your relative clauses this week. They are looking fabulous and will really make your setting descriptions come alive in your next big write. Well done!
Friday 6th December - Eliza. You are the first to say how nervous you are about English, but this week you have come up with the goods! I have been super impressed with your setting description work and vocabulary choices. Keep up the good work!
Friday 13th December - Cohen. I am constantly surprised by your efforts at the moment, especially in the foundation subjects, but mostly in maths. You are growing in confidence daily and showing great school and British values. Super work!
Friday 20th December - PIPPA AND MAX - you are both truly deserving of the GOLDEN BOOK awards this half-term. You are both very conscientious children that are showing great improvements in many different areas. You are role models for younger children and great learners. Well done!
Friday 10th January - Leo. I have been super impressed with your efforts in maths this week. You have not always found the questions easy, but have found your own way to be successful. Well done!
Friday 17th January - Riley. Your understanding of coding has outwitted me this week! It is clear that you are very interested in computing and knowing as much about coding now as you do will only put you in close contention to be the next Elon Musk!
Friday 24th January - Daniel. Daniel, you have edited your narrative with so much more precision this time around, locating tricky spellings for correction, making more complex sentences and using more precise vocabulary! I am also amazed at your work ethic outside of the classroom, making a wonderful Viking longship in your spare time and finding out about Viking facts!
Friday 31st January - Rocco. Has been putting in the hard yards over the past couple of weeks, in particular with his English writing and maths work, focussing more on precise vocabulary and correcting errors. He has also shown himself to be a whizz on the keyboard and shown amazing type writing skills, getting 100% in a couple of tests this week. Keep it up!
Friday 7th February - Isobel. This week, we made the journey all the way to York and visited Dig and Jorvik. Isobel showed an enormous amount of curiosity by asking many questions, but also answering them when prompted, showing her understanding and knowledge of the topic. She also looked great holding an axe! Well done - never stop being curious.