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Good Work

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These children have impressed this week....

8/9/23 - Gracey S has produced work that is well presented and finished in the time available. She has been a good listener and contributes to class discussions. What a great start to Year 2!

15/9/23 - Kai. He has worked harder, for longer and has been excited by new challenges.

22/9/23 - Dylan D produced a superb crowd scene in the style of Lowry. What a super artist he is becoming!

29/9/23- Emma made a magnificent quiver for Robin Hood. She worked independently and made sure his arms would be free for riding a hose in the forest.

6/10/23- Gracie C knew her writing target.. She focussed on achieving it as she wrote her long piece of writing and what a difference it made!  Keep up this determination and ambition, Gracie C. Well done 

6/10/23- Davies used very ambitious vocabulary in his writing, like alert, attract and frustratingly! This shows a real talent for writing. I am excited to see more of your work!

13/10/23- Darcie is determined to improve her writing. She knows her target and is trying to use it as she writes. I have been impressed with the progress she is making.

17/11/23- Dylan Williams has produced some fabulous handwriting with clear ascenders and descenders and he has jumped onto the next book band! There is no stopping him at the moment!

24/11/23- Wilf has written a great set of instructions detailing how to build a snowman. He packed each instruction with extra detail and was very ambitious!

8/12/23- Finley steps up his presentation when writing in his English book. He wants to give his best, and he is!

15/1/24-Gracey S has progressed rapidly through the book colours and had her first go at reading comprehension. She smashed it! Watch this space. Gracey S is a good reader!

22/1/24- Everlette has stuck at her maths this week. She has made terrific progress and has been determined to master the new learning calculating change. This attitude will really support you at school Everlette. Well done!

29/1/24- Sophia has really improved the standard of her writing and is now joining her handwriting successfully. She is starting to show off more of the  writing skills we have covered and I am excited to see what she writes next! I will be watching Sophia!

19/2/24- Dylan Williams can write independently. He remembered what he wanted to say and checked his sentence for errors. Huge step forward Dylan!

26/2/24- Leo has challenged himself in maths this week. He understood our work on division and asked for the harder work to have a go at. He isn't worried about trying harder tasks and he nailed them! This attitude will take you far Leo!

4/3/24- Joshua was an absolute pleasure to take to the Deep. He was fascinated, asked lots of questions and discovered lots more new information. Well done Joshua

11/3/24- Olivia is excelling with her reading. She used to sound like a robot...but now reads like a teacher, using punctuation and great use of voices to bring books to life. Her comprehension of the texts has dramatically improved as a result. Wow Olivia!

18/3/24- Nevaeh is being very ambitious with her writing. She is using ambitious vocabulary and different types of sentences and checking her work for errors. 

29/4/24-Finley has persevered with his reading, not always finding it easy, but it is finally paying off and he has made some terrific progress!

6/5/24- Donte has been working on a new timetable this week and I am seeing improved concentration and more determination to do his best writing. He should be very proud of his writing about Paddington Bear!

13/5/24- Franki has produced a wonderful description of Paddington Bear, making sure she has linked her ideas together (The power of 3), just as we'd practised. I am hugely impressed! 

3/6/24- Ava presents her work beautifully in perfectly joined handwriting. She is really positive about reading now. Ava has had an excellent year and made super progress!

21/6/24-Dexter gave a brilliant explanation about how he calculated in maths. He used facts he knew to support a more complicated calculation and was able to teach it to everyone. Hmmm...Dexter Melhuish maybe?!

12/7/24- Dylan D soaked up every single moment of our trip to Chester Zoo. He loved the day and was a pleasure to take.