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Good Work

Well done goes to ........

12.07.24 Lia has been a fabulous teacher this week, teaching the class Polish. We all enjoyed learning to say hello and goodbye as well as learning how to count to 5.

05.07.24 This week good work goes to Tommy for writing a great sentence completely by himself. So independent and absolutely ready for Year 1! Well done Tommy.

28.06.24 This week good work goes to Oscar for meeting the challenge of writing more ambitious sentences. He wrote some great sentences about pirate ships. Well done Oscar!

21.06.24 This week good work goes to Elias. He has been trying much harder in reading squad and he has been reading at home. Well done Elias. 

07.06.24 This week good work goes to Chester for writing sentences independently. He wrote 5 sentences in one morning! This is amazing, Chester keep it up!

17.05.24 This week good work goes to Jakob for writing a fantastic independent sentence about spiders. You are almost ready for Year 1. Well done!

10.05.24 This week good work goes to Esmae for some great independent reading this week. Wow, keep it up, you are becoming a much more confident reader.

03.05.24 This week good work goes to Mae for some good thinking during our D.T. session. We were making nests to keep a dinosaur egg safe but Mae's group built their nest on a hill and the egg rolled out. Mae adapted their nest and put twigs in front, so the egg didn't roll away. Great thinking Mae!

22.04.24 This week good work goes to Seth for some great maths work. We have been learning teen numbers and Seth spotted the pattern and used this to work out missing numbers beyond 20, and he can order teen numbers forwards and backwards! Well done Seth on some super work, keep it up.

15.04.24 This week good work goes to Maddison. She has worked hard to improve her presentation and wrote a great dinosaur poem with lovely neat letters. Well done Maddison, keep it up!

22.03.24 This week good work goes to Chester. Sometimes Chester finds it difficult to concentrate for the whole session, but this week he has been concentrating and working so hard. Well done Chester, I am so proud of you. Keep it up!

15.03.24 This week good work goes to Layla. Every adult that has worked with you in reading squad has told me about how hard you are working on your reading. Well done Layla keep it up!

08.03.24 This week good work goes to Isla for some great independent reading during our guided reading this week. Isla had to read sentences and match them to the correct picture, and she had a go by herself, which was great to see. Keep it up Isla!

01.03.24 This week good work goes to Mae for writing two sentences by herself. This is great Mae keep up the hard work!

23.02.24 This week good work goes to Evelyn for working hard on writing her insrtuctions to grow a sunflower. Her letter formation is fabulous and she is trying hard to remember finger spaces independently. Well done!

02.02.24 This week good work goes to Lia. She has come up with some good sentences to describe Zog, working hard on speaking English as this isn't her first language. Well done Lia!

26.01.24 This week good work goes to Jayden. He has worked so hard on his writing and letter formation and did a great job writing down the clues from our class crime scene. Keep up the hard work Jayden!

19/01/24 This week good work goes to Kayleb. In  September, he was a bit worried about going swimming, but he didn't let that stop him and he has been working hard and can now swim on his back by himself. Well done Kayleb!

12/01/24 This week good work goes to Hunter. He has finally cracked writing his name independently! This is great Hunter keep up the hard work.

08/12/23 This week good work goes to the whole class. I was so proud of how well everyone performed in our Christmas Nativity. You were all fabulous!

01/12/23 Zayden has been really brave this week, going on stage during our practises for our Christmas production. He was worried to begin with but he is beginning to conquer his fears and is even smiling now. This is great Zayden, we are so proud of you!

24/11/23 Tommy has been trying really hard with his reading lately.He is even choosing reading activities during free flow time which is great to see. Keep it up Tommy!

17/11/23 Courtney has been trying so hard in our phonics sessions and is beginning to write letters by herself now. This is fantastic Courtney, keep it up!

10/11/23 Esmae has come back to school after half term, with a great attitude towards her learning. She is trying really hard in everything we do and is even putting her hand up to have a go at answering questions. This is great Esmae, keep it up!

13/10/23 Payton has really impressed during Reading Squad this week. She has been concentrating really hard and has been brilliant at spotting sounds. Well done Payton I am so proud of you.

06/10/23 Layla you are working so hard in class. Every time we do a busy job together you always try your best. You did some great writing this week, I am so impressed with you. Keep it up!

29/09/23 Myla you have been working so hard in phonics, recognising and writing your sounds, you have really impressed me! Keep it up.

22/9/23- Harry for having a go at sounding out and writing a word by yourself! Well done, I am very proud of how hard you are working.