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Take a look at what we've been getting up to this term.......

W/C 09.09.24

This week in Art we learnt about the three primary colours and the artist Piet Mondrian. We looked at some of Mondrian's art and had a go at creating our own art inspired by him.

W/C 16.09.24 We have been learning about plants in Science. We looked at different seeds and planted some in class and have been watching them grow and change.

Maths w/c 23.09.24.

This week we have been learning about greater than, less than and equal to. We used number cards and used cubes to build the numbers to see which was greater or less and then used the greater than/less than crocodile to work out the sign.

W/C 30.09.24 This week in Geography we have been learning about the countries that make up the United Kingdom and their capital cities and flags. We used the peg boards to have a go at making the flags.

Week 5 Algorithms 

We learnt what an algorithm was. It is a set of instructions given to achieve a desired outcome. We gave our friends an algorithm to follow to create a Mr Potato Head that was identical to ours.

Autumn 2

w/c 04.11.24

This week we made moving pictures using a lever and slot mechanism after exploring lots of moving pictures in books.

w/c 11.11.24 

This week in our maths sessions we were finding number bonds to ten.

W/C 18.11.24 This week we have been learning about the coronation of Queen Elizabeth 2nd and what life was like when she came onto the throne. We have been acting out the coronation using the crown, the sceptre and the orb.

W/C 02.12.24 - This week we have begun to get excited about Christmas. We have put up the tree in the classroom, done some Christmas craft activities and enjoyed some Christmas stories.

W/C 09.12.24 This week we did our Christmas show A Snow White Christmas. The children were all amazing and we were so proud of them all.

W/C 16.12.24 The Reverend came to school and we all learnt about what the Christingle signifies, and we all made one.