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Archie Bear

These children have impressed by using Archie Values.......
Summer Term 2

12.07.24 Jakob has been confident working by himself in phonics. He was a bit worried but realised that he could do it! Well done Jakob

05.07.24 Payton was so kind today, helping a very pregnant Mrs Cork to put her shoes on after swimming. What a lovely kind thing to do. Well done Payton.

28.06.24 Kayleb was confident during Sports Day. He sometimes finds it a challenge when people are watching and struggles to make good choices, but he was amazing. Well done, I am so proud of you!

21.06.24 Aubrey was ambitious this week. She managed to beat the fastest time so far to read our tricky words. She did it in just 20 seconds!

07.06.24 Maddison has shown ambition and resilience when writing this week, trying hard to do her very best. This is great Maddison, keep it up!

Summer Term 1

17.05.24 Payton has been resilient this week in phonics, even though she found things tricky, she kept on going. Well done Payton.

10.05.24 Hudson I am so proud of you for trying school dinners again. Well done for being more confident with new foods! 

03.05.24 Ronnie has been much more confident in reading squad this week and every adult that has worked with him has been impressed.

26.04.24 Kayleb has been respectful this week, listening to adults and coming into school with a big smile each day. Well done.

19.04.24 Aubrey has been ambitious this week coming up with lots of great ways to describe dinosaurs for our poem, such as 'claws that rip' and 'jaws that roar'. Well done Aubrey!

Spring Term 2

22.03.24 Eliana is equal and is always a great friend to everyone. This week she has been playing with some of our nursery children that sometimes find it tricky to settle. You are always kind Eliana!

15.03.23 Hudson finds it tricky to try new foods, but tried the vegetable soup that we made in class. Well done Hudson, we are really proud of you for being so confident and brave.

08.03.24 Zayden was ambitious and had a go at joining in with Mr Playdon speaking French. Well done Zayden.

01.03.24 Chester showed great resilience and determination when completing a jigsaw this week. He did not stop until he had completed it, well done Chester.

23.02.24 Aubrey has been independent, choosing to tidy areas of the classroom that she notices need tidying without a grown up telling her to. This is great Aubrey!

Spring Term 1

01.02.24 Courtney has shown resilience, working hard on her phonics, even when she finds it tricky. Well done Courtney, we are proud of you.

26.01.24 Payton has been ambitious working really hard in reading squad and she has moved up to the next group! Well done Payton

18.01.24 Ayat has been much more confident in class, putting her hand up to answer questions. This is great! Keep it up.

12.01.24 Elias has been ambitious with his reading, trying really hard in school and reading at home too. Great job Elias keep it up!

Autumn term 2

22.12.23 Jax has been much more confident in class, putting his hand up to answer questions and talking more to grown-ups. This is great Jax, keep it up!

08.12.23 Jakob showed great resilience when completing a cutting activity this week. Even though he found it tricky, he didn't give up and managed to complete the activity by himself. This is really great Jakob, well done!

01.12.23 Lia has been working with more independence in phonics. This is great Lia keep it up!

24.11.23 Ronnie was independent and got himself ready after swimming. This is great, well done!

17.11.23 Payton has been working really hard and has had a go at some independent writing during free flow time. Well done Payton I am really proud of you.

10.11.23 Mae for being independent in looking after the classroom. Mae notices things that need tidying up and does it without being asked. Thank you, Mae.


Autumn 1 term

13/10/23 Courtney has really impressed with her independence getting changed for P.E. I am really proud of you for getting dressed all by yourself. Well done!

06/10/23 Hunter was really worried about going swimming today, but he didn't let that stop him. He went swimming and even really enjoyed it. Well done for being confident. Archie Bear is so proud of you!

29/09/23 Layla was so independent when getting dressed after swimming, she even managed to fasten her buttons. Well done Layla!

22/09/23 Myla was much more confident during lunch-time and even had a go at trying some new foods. Well done Myla Archie Bear is proud of you.

15/9/23 - Evelyn was equal and showed what a good friend she is by going around helping children to fasten buttons after changing for swimming. What a kind thing to do. Well done Evelyn.