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Archie Person of the week

These children have impressed by using Archie Values. 

10/5/24 - Emily. You have showed increased confidence and ambition by getting more involved in class discussions, especially in Maths which has been lovely to see. Keep it up!

3/10/24 - Desmond. You have really impressed by helping out your classmates during P.E. and independently taking as many opportunities as possible to practise and develop your times table knowledge. Excellent work!

19/4/24 - Amelia - You display great confidence during your Bikeability session. Before the session, you were very nervous; however, you gave it a go, got stuck in and tried your best. As a result, you did better than you thought you would and enjoyed the session too! Well done!

22/3/24 - Poppy - You were very ambitious in our English session when creating an explanation introduction as a class. You contributed some wonderful words and phrases. I look forward to seeing these in your independent work!

8/3/2024 - Sebastian - You have shown some great confidence and resilience this week by being a real have-a-go-hero. Your hand has been up even when you have not been entirely sure of an answer and you have not been afraid to give it a go. Well done on having such a fantastic attitude!

1/3/2024 - Joshua. You have really impressed with your independent working this week. You have pushed yourself and coped really well with some open ended activities too. Keep it up Joshua!

23/2/2024 - Ava. You have represented being equal by not only helping to keep the classroom clean and tidy, but also other areas of the school too by picking up litter on the playground or in the cloakroom. It is wonderful to see you taking such pride in our school.

26/1/2024 - Amelia. You have been much more confident in your learning this week and, although you don't always find the learning easy, you have shown great resilience, kept going with it and you have really pushed yourself. Keep up the fantastic attitude!

18/1/2024 - Tate. You don't always find Maths easy, but you have really impressed with the confidence and independence shown in tackling your work on fractions in the last 2 weeks. Keep going with this!

11/1/2024 - Dylan. You have shown great confidence in your Maths work through giving some fantastic explanations of how to solve the problems on our Maths Review Board. Keep it up!

21/12/2023 - Jacob. You showed great ambition and resilience in your design of your lunar rover in DT. You chose quite an ambitious design and you were determined to overcome the challenges that you faced in the making of it. What a fantastic attitude towards your learning! 

14/12/2023 - Gracie-mai. In our Maths assessments this week, you have shown confidence, ambition and resilience. You haven't found it easy, but you have really focused, pushed yourself and given it your all, leading to some phenomenal results. Keep up this amazing attitude! 

8/12/2023 - Darwin. You have really impressed with your ambition and attitude towards spelling at the moment. You are recognising spelling patterns and really making an effort to get these right. Good work Darwin!

1/12/2023 - James. Wow! Your confidence is through the roof at the moment and you are a real 'have-a-go-hero'! Keep getting your hand up and giving it a go!

24/11/2023 - Ava. Your hand is up much more often and you are willing to have a go even when you are unsure. What an excellent confident and ambitious attitude to have! Keep it up!

16/11/2023 - Desmond. You are consistently confident and enthusiastic, whatever the subject. You are eager to share your ideas each and every time and are always willing to get stuck in, even if you are not always sure. Well done!

19/10/2023 - George. Lately, you have really developed your resilience when it comes to coping with situations that you might have struggled with. You are making the right choices and thinking carefully about these. We are proud of you. Keep it up!

13/10/2023 - Emily. You are incredibly kind and considerate towards your classmates. You constantly go out of your way to look after others and ensure that they are alright.

6/10/2023 - Jaiden. You have shown great resilience in your work in Maths. You have gone from an 'I can't do this' attitude to 'I'm really proud of what I've achieved'. Keep working hard and demonstrating that perseverance as it is clearly paying off! 

29/9/2023 - Joshua. It was wonderful to see the kindness that you showed to another child at lunchtime when they were feeling unwell. You went out of your way to look after them. What a wonderful thing to do!

22/9/2023 - Natalie. After a quiet start to the year, it is wonderful to see you growing in confidence and finding your feet a little more.  You are starting to contribute to class discussions and take a more active role in your learning. Keep going Natalie!

15/9/2023 - Olivia. You have started to find your voice! You are showing more confidence, your hand is going up more often and you are joining in with class discussions. Keep it up!

8/9/2023 -Jude. You have shown brilliant independence  by taking it upon yourself to ensuring that our classroom is tidy and to collect up books and sheets at the end of each session. Well done for taking good care of our classroom!