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Good Work

Good Worker of the Week 

Well done goes to: 

10/5/24 - Natalie. You really excelled with your alternative ending to the Highwayman poem. You paid close attention to the structure and features of the original poem and included these in your own version. Tremendous effort and excellent work! 

3/5/24 - Poppy and Alfie. You massively impressed the instructors with the amazing effort that you put in during your Bikeability sessions. You listened carefully, took all of the feedback on board, and acted upon it. The instructors were especially impressed with the progress that you made, going from completing the Learn To Ride session before Easter to now completing the Level 2 course. Excellent work!

19/4/24 - Desmond. You have once again impressed with your excellent Science knowledge in our work on forces this week. Whilst investigating if objects fall at the same rate, you began to consider not only the weight of objects but the level of air resistance that each object generates too and how this may affect your results. Well done!

22/3/24 - Jude. Wow! Your work in Maths has been fantastic this week. You have shown an excellent understanding of finding fractions of amounts and you are really confident in converting between fractions and decimals too. Keep going with the brilliant work!

15/3/24 - James. You have really excelled in Maths this week. You have listened carefully to the steps for multiplying fractions, followed the process carefully and presented your work beautifully. Keep up the brilliant attitude towards your learning!

8/3/24 - Caitlin. You have shown a really focused attitude towards your learning this week and as a result you have taken a much more active role in your learning and contributed more to class discussions. Keep going with this focused attitude as it is making a real difference!

1/3/24 - Ella. You absolutely blew us away with your enthusiasm and gave lots of interesting and fascinating facts when working on your zoo project. Well done Ella!

23/2/24 - Bella. You really stood out in Art this week when creating your Viking brooch using clay. You really thought through your design carefully and put lots of effort into creating a very effective design. Keep up the excellent attention to detail in your work! 

25/1/24 - Poppy. Wow! Your character description of Thor was truly fantastic. You included a range of skills and created an incredibly detailed and descriptive image. Not only this, but you have been really working hard on your spelling. You don't always find spelling easy, but you have really taken on board the spelling patterns that we have discussed in lesson and applied these in your work too. Brilliant work Poppy!

19/1/24 - Aidan. You are an absolute wizard when it comes to Maths and you have continued to show your amazing skill in our fraction work over the last few weeks. Not only this, but you are happy to help others who are not as confident as yourself. You really are an excellent role model and fantastic friend. Well done!

12/1/24 - Emily. You haven't always found keeping your work neat easy; however you have really worked hard on your presentation and you have made a conscious effort to improve your handwriting. Not only this, but you have consistently kept your handwriting neat too! Keep it up Emily!

8/12/23 - Ella. You have really stood out with your hard-working attitude and determination to succeed. You weren't satisfied with one of your pieces of work and so you came back in your own time to have another go. Excellent attitude Ella!

1/12/23 - Poppy. You are not always the most confident mathematician, but this week you have definitely been the most confident person in the room during our Maths sessions on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000! It has been lovely to see you really go for it and that confidence has certainly been reflected in your work. Keep it up!

24/11/23 - Jaiden. You have worked incredibly hard on your writing this week and you have produced an absolutely beautiful setting description. You have started to choose your words very carefully and have achieved the perfect tone in your writing, creating a very vivid description. Fantastic work Jaiden!

17/11/2023 - George. You have been so incredibly enthusiastic about our writing this week. Not only this, but you have really excelled in our computing lessons on coding. You have completed everything that I've asked you to do and even smashed the extension challenges I've set you too! Well done!

10/11/2023 - Desmond. Not only have you really thrown yourself into our Science work and impressed with your knowledge, but you have been really inspired by our work on setting descriptions. So much so that you have researched setting descriptions, generated some ambitious vocabulary and written some fantastcially descriptive sentences all in your own time! I cannot wait to see what you write next in lesson!

13/10/2023 - Joshua. Wow! You have been working really hard all week on your independent work in both English and Maths sessions. You have absolutely smashed independently writing sentences using conjunction,s and you have really impressed with your hard working attitude in adding and subtracting in Maths  too. Keep up this amazing attitude!

6/10/2023 - Jacob. What an amazing attitude towards your work at the moment! You are now much more focused on your learning, you are paying more attention, getting your hand up more often and really working hard. This is certainly paying off as your work in every lesson is of a much higher standard too. Keep it up Jacob! 

29/9/2023 - Gracie-Mai. You have really impressed with your attitude and hard work in our Maths sessions. You listen carefully, push yourself and always give it your all. This has meant that you've excelled in your work on Place Value. Spot on Gracie-Mai!

22/9/2023 - Amelia. Although you can be quiet, you have an exceptional attitude towards your work. You always give 100%, listen carefully and push yourself to do your best. You have especially impressed with your work in Maths on ordering numbers up to 1 million with your logical approach and excellent organisation. Keep it up!

15/9/2023 - Sebastian. Wow! You have written an absolutely spectacular story based on Pie Corbett's Alien Landing. You have nailed the plot structure, written loads and used some absolutely wonderful phrases and language to create beautiful descriptions. I am definitely looking forward to reading what you produce next! 

8/9/2023 - Keevie-Rose. What an amazing start you have made to Year 5! You are getting stuck into your learning enthusiastically, getting your hand up to contribute to lessons and working incredibly hard. On top of this, your work is beautifully presented too. Keep up the fantastic attitude!